Hello! I was born in 1997 so I was way too young to really experience the wild west age of the internet, I only started going online around 2008-2010 during the tail-end of the more free age and the beginning of the social media takeover. I was mainly just on Tumblr (I have the same blog even now lol) and loitered without making accounts on various fanfiction/fandom sites and deviantart but I really have never deeply explored the internet.

During a bout of debilitating nostalgia early 2021 I discovered neocities and I was so incredibly happy and amazed to see so many cool and interesting sites on here! I had never even looked at code before then but the idea of a personal website just like the early internet days was so intriguing I had to give it a try, I've been slowly teaching myself since (with a lot of crying and giving up along the way) and I hope to create something I can be proud of!

If you have any suggestions for things I should add or ways I can improve let me know!

My email is killjoyofkilljoys@gmail.com


click to feed!It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!
