Hello! I'm not interesting enough to have a personal page but I'm making one anyways
some links don't seem to want to work, if that happens please right click and select 'open in new tab' and it should open up!
Also, if you're acephobic please eat shit and die <3
PS. If anyone can tell me how people set up illustrated boxes on their site, like if there's lace going all around it, please do! I've been looking around everywhere and trying different things but nothing works and I'm so desperate TT
Current fave song:
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet dragée. Cake gummi bears danish ice cream soufflé. Marshmallow wafer dessert chupa chups jelly candy canes halvah cake biscuit. Biscuit fruitcake jujubes pie jelly bear claw oat cake ice cream sugar plum. Gingerbread marzipan dragée lollipop candy. Candy pie icing apple pie oat cake jelly beans lemon drops soufflé apple pie. Dragée sesame snaps jelly pudding candy oat cake jelly-o brownie. Pastry marshmallow donut halvah icing apple pie sweet roll. Topping apple pie chocolate cake lollipop dragée shortbread fruitcake. Sweet roll tootsie roll brownie chocolate tart marzipan gingerbread. Bear claw cheesecake croissant lemon drops lollipop tiramisu. Bear claw tiramisu jelly-o sweet tootsie roll wafer.